About David Hill
David Hill has been a public speaker for over twenty years and enjoys speaking about his adventures and life's experiences.
Traveled to 21 countries
Traveld around the world for a year with Up With People
Competed in 100 bike race in Alaska on Iditarod trail in February
Fished out of remote lodge on an island on lake Ileknagik Alaska
Took a float plane 75 mile up a river out of Bristol Bay Alaska and rafted for 8 days fishing all the way
Hitch hiked across the country with 7 PB & Jās, and a ten dollar bill in each shoe
River guide in Colorado
Fly fish for stripers and blue fish out of a kayak in the ocean
Attended college in Flagstaff Arizona
Was part of a Super Bowl half time show
Played a part in two ocean rescues that saved lives
Built and owned two businesses for over 20 years.
David loves sharing his adventures with great detail and weaving humor and life's lessons into his talks.